Canada: Measures to Address Coronavirus Pandemic
By Joe Godbold
Joe Godbold
Furthering our UK-Arctic Coronavirus Observatory, we are now compiling all of the relevant, up-to-date COVID-19 information pertaining to Canada’s measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, so you can have the information readily available to suit your need.
First published: 20 March 2020
Last updated: 09 March 2022
- Federal Response (Travel): The Government’s Travel Health Notice has moved from level 3 to level 2 – Canadians are no longer recommended to avoid travel for non-essential reasons. Testing and 14-day post-arrival quarantine arrivals for fully vaccinated travellers has been removed, although random testing will still take place, with no changes to testing and quarantine requirements for unvaccinated travellers. Travellers further have the option of using a covid-19 rapid antigen test result (taken the day before travel, administered by healthcare professional) or a molecular test result (taken 72 hours before their scheduled flight or arrival or entry point), 15 February 2022. Unvaccinated travellers over the age of 12 are not required to quarantine upon entering Canada if:
- They have proof of a valid medical contraindication to a Covid-19 Vaccine, and
- Comply with the public health measures outlined to travellers at the border.
- Following arrival, all travellers must submit their quarantine plan to ArriveCAN, including the exception of fully vaccinated travellers, those who have recovered from Covid-19 in the last 180 days, and others on the list of exemptions (Canada quarantine exemptions). Afterwards, if you do not meet the requirements, you must quarantine for 14 days. The federal government has also introduced a COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program for Canadians Abroad to assist Canadians return home or deal with other travel-related challenges. From 30 October 2021, to depart from Canadian airports or travel on VIA Rail and Rocky Mountaineer trains, travellers will need to qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller. (See more here). From 28 January 2022, additional testing requirements for travellers from India or Morocco are lifted. Effective 31 January 2022 travellers from British Columbia will no longer be exempt from Covid-19 testing and quarantine requirements.
- Federal Response (Economic): On March 18, 2020, the federal government announced a $765 billion COVID Economic Response Plan. The government has also made $600 billion in liquidity support accessible to help ensure that businesses could continue to access credit and to promote well-functioning provincial funding markets. The federal government has also committed $306 million in funding for Indigenous businesses struggling with the impacts of COVID-19. On 21 October 2021, the Canadian Government announced its budget, aiming to extend the wage subsidy, rent subsidy, Lockdown Support to 20 November 2021, along with 2 new programs – The Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program and Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program – to the same date, with the intention to legislate the programs until 2 July 2022. Further propositions include establishing the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit, and extending the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit, the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit and the Canada Recovery Hiring Program until 7 May 2022. (See here). See all of Canada’s economic response measures here. A business support legislation has been taken to parliament to implement the aforementioned measures, on 24 November 2021. Further welfare and social support in work has also been developed via legislation, including increased paid sick pay, protecting care workers, and all in aiming to finish the fight against Covid-19, 26 November 2021. See the latest federal economic response to coronavirus measures here. The projected GDP growth for2021is 4.6%.The 21 October 2021 announcement and subsequent amendments, for providing business and individual financial support, came into effect on 17 December 2021. Following Omicron’s destruction, the Canadian government has announced a wave of emergency benefits (22 December 2021), and further has expanded the eligibility for its Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit, to help support Canadians and businesses in designated regions affected by lockdowns or qualifying capacity restrictions, 30 December 2021. The Federal government has announced a guaranteed income supplement and allowance changes, excluding taxpayers income brackets any amounts received under a number of Covid-19 economic measures,08 February 2022. The Local Lockdown Program and Canada Worker Lockdown benefit have both been expanded and also extended by 1 month, 09 February 2022. The Government has extended its support for the audiovisual industry, to cover costs for production stoppages caused by Covid-19, 11 February 2022. Covid-19 response benefits will be dismayed when calculating tax recovery benefits (Bill C-12), 03 March 2022.
- Federal Response (North/Territories): The federal government has provided more than $19 billion in funding to provinces and territories in Canada to help tackle COVID-19 as part of the Safe Restart Agreement. The northern-specific response to this crisis has been extensive: from restricting vessel traffic in the Canadian Arctic, including preventing any Canadian cruise ship from mooring, navigating, and transiting Canada’s Arctic Waters, to a recent commitment to provide $129.9 million in assistance to the territories during the pandemic. In April 2020 (see here), the federal government committed to:
- $72.6 million for health and social services departments to prepare and respond to the crisis
- $18.4 million for Yukon
- $30.8 million for Nunavut
- $23.4 million for NWT
- $17.3 million for northern airline companies to ensure movement of essential goods such as food and medical supplies
- $3.6 million for Yukon
- $5 million for Nunavut
- $8.7 million for NWT
- $15 million in “non-repayable support” for businesses in the territories will be made available by the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor)
- Additional $25 million for Nutrition North Canada to subsidise food and hygiene products in remote northern communities.
- On 18 March, 2020, the Government of Canada announced that it would provide $305 million for a new distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund, to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.
- As of 18 October 2021, the Canadian Government has approved a Request for Federal Assistance in providing surge capacity support to the NWT with infection and control (IPC), contact tracing, and COVID-19 testing efforts, in tandem with the Canadian Red Cross. (See here).
- Budget 2021 commits (See here):
- A portion of $99.9 million for seasonal pilot workers in Yukon, providing up to 5 additional weeks of EI regular benefits to seasonal claimants.
- Renew the Territorial Health Investment Fund ($54 million over two years – $27 million to Nunavut, $12.8 million to Yukon, $14.2 million to NWT)
- To support the short-term housing and infrastructure (2021-22) needs after Covid-19 deepened the recession in the North , with $25 million to Nunavut and $25 million to the NWT
- The $1 million Yukon Covid-19 Recovery Research Programme, conducted jointly by the governments of Canada and Yukon, released its results detailing how to better understand the social, cultural, environmental, economic and health impacts of Covid-19 in Yukon, 21 December 2021.
- Indigenous Services Canada is providing $125 million in Covid-19 public health funding directly to first nations communities, 20 January 2022.
- The GNWT, in tandem with the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor), introduced its first intake of the Tourism and Restart Investment Program, generating funds to help with reopening of the NWT, 02 March 2022.
- Yukon Response:
- Travel: If you’re arriving in the Yukon from within Canada, you do not need to self-isolate or show proof of vaccination. If you’re arriving in the Yukon from outside of Canada, you must follow federal rules for travelling to Canada. The Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health has strongly recommended that Yukon citizens avoid all international non-essential travel, and has cautioned against domestic travel, 14 December 2021. Reflecting federal guidance, the recommendation to reduce contacts for a 3 or 5 day period following travel have been removed, instead recommending monitoring for symptoms and to self-isolate if sick, 11 January 2022.
- Closures and Restrictions: Yukon has extended its territorial state of emergency to 06 May 2022. Effective 04 March 2022, only these territorial public health measures remain in place (with the hope of eliminating the requirement to wear masks and show a proof of vaccination by 18 March 2022):
- Mandatory masks (for those over the age of 5) in all indoor public settings and outdoor settings where physical distancing can’t be maintained, and inside schools (where high intensity physical activities for all are excluded).
- Vaccination requirement for contracted and volunteer related Yukon government employees.
- A proof of vaccination requirement to access designated settings for people who are aged 19+.
- Vaccinations: Booster shots are now available for Yukoners aged 18+, 08 December 2021. Yukon’s government is now providing covid-19 rapid antigen tests for people with symptoms, 10 January 2022, due to the lack of testing capacity to use Lab based PCRs (06 January 2022). As of 01 February 2022, all government of Yukon employees must be vaccinated. As of 04 February 2022, Covid-19 boosters are available for ages 12-17 and third doses for immunocompromised children 5-11.
- Economic: On 28 September 2021, it was announced the Yukon Paid Sick Leave Rebate for employers and the self-employed would be relaunched for a third term, from 1 October 2021, to 30 September 2022. This provides up to 10 days’ wages for workers where covid-19 has made them sick, self-isolating or caring for other household members (see here). From 24 September 2021, Yukon’s Tourism Accommodation Sector Supplement (TASS), Tourism Non-Accommodation Sector Supplement (TNASS) and Great Yukon Summer Travel Rebate programmes extended until 31 March 2022. (See here). A new stream of the Tourism Non-Accommodation Sector Supplement program has been announced, directing further funding to bars and restaurants to break-even monthly, as well as separate one-time payments, 10 February 2022. Yukon’s government is proposing to extend its business investment tax credit from 31 December 2022 to 31 December 2026.
- NWT Response:
- Travel: As of 01 March 2022, travel restrictions for NWT have changed, in light of an easing of restrictions; where any person is permitted to NWT regardless of purpose or vaccination status. Testing requirements will still be in place for anyone returning to small communities after travel; working or volunteering with vulnerable populations or in vulnerable settings, 25 February 2022, as well as:
- Residents: NWT residents who are returning from international travel must abide by Canadian travel requirements, as well as then submitting a Self-Isolation Plan to enter the NWT, providing tests on days 0 or 1 and Day 4.
- Non-Residents: Self-isolation is no longer required, but it is recommended everyone entering the NWT should follow certain recommendations. It’s now mandated all visitors must submit Self-Isolation plans, with further details here.
- Closures and Restrictions: As of 01 March 2022, gathering restrictions will end, and the proof of vaccination (PVC) program for businesses will cease. The Public Health Emergency for the NWT’s has been extended until 15 March 2022. Emerging Wisely 2021 is the NWT’s strategy for safely resuming activities that were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To host a gathering of over 200 people or a high-risk activities, OCPHO approval is required and businesses/individuals must apply for an activity exemption. With this easing, the Covid Secretariat and GNWT Covid-19 response is being wound down, 07 March 2022.
- Vaccinations: NWT will offer third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to immunocompromised people beginning 20 September 2021 (see here). As of 18 October 2021, the NWT government is introducing a COVID-19 at-home student screening pilot programme, to detect asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 amongst students and respond quickly to reduce risk (see here). The Government of the NWT (GNWT) implemented amendments, on 01 December 2021, legislating that all GNWT employees need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (see here). 17 December 2021, a new public health order mandates changes to self-isolation requirements for travellers, of varied vaccination status and age. As of 16 December 2021, booster doses have been expanded to residents aged 16+. With public health measures being eased, the GNWT has revised its implementation of the GNWT Employee Vaccination Policy (28 February 2022); PVC, testing, and PPE will only be required for contractees who directly work in vulnerable sectors, federally regulated industries, and other workplaces with direct vaccination policy/requirements.
- Economic: As of 29 October 2021 additional funding for businesses – up to $12,500 of funding under the Support for Entrepreneurs and Economic Development (SEED) programme for SMEs affected by recent public health measures, and will include funding for equipment, training and new technologies (see here). Additional funding for tourism businesses through the Tourism Restart Programme (one time grant of up to $18,000) to eligible tourism operators and businesses. (See here). The NWT government has announced a new Labour Market Recovery Wage Grant, as of 07 October 2021. Resultantly, eligible non-essential businesses impacted by public health restrictions on gathering sizes (since 01 August 2021) will receive funding of up to $2,000-$10,000 maximum per employee, after application. (See more here). 07 December 2021 the GNWT has waived tourism renewal fees for the third year in a row, in the wake of the global pandemic continuing to affect the tourism industry. The GNWT has approved $502 million Capital Estimates for critical infrastructure in the territory, to continue the recovery from Covid-19, 14 December 2021. Additional funding support for small and medium business – relating to offsetting losses due to closures/cancellations and those affected by capacity limits – has been released by the NWT government, 23 February 2022.
- Nunavut Response:
- Travel: In Nunavut, measures include fully vaccinated travellers requiring proof of vaccination or PVC (following federal guidelines), and an order for all unvaccinated/partially vaccinated travellers arriving in the territory must go into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days at a Government of Nunavut Isolation site in either Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton or Yellowknife, with certain exemptions (individuals who breach isolation can be fined $575):
- A common travel area applies to air and land travel and exempts travellers from isolation requirements. The Common Travel area between Nunavut and Nunavik was suspended on 29 October 2021 while the Common Travel area with Churchill, Manitoba reopened, 15 November 2021).
- As of 14 June 2021 fully vaccinated travellers can apply for an exemption to out-of-territory isolation.
- From 1 November 2021, unvaccinated workers travel exemptions will be limited and will have to isolate at an isolation location for 14 days, with exemptions on 2 conditions:
- If there is sudden and severe damage to critical infrastructure or if a replacement is necessary due to unforeseen illness or injury; or
- If the worker(s) is bearing a letter from a medical doctor indicating they are unable to get any of the Government of Canada approved COVID-19 vaccinations for a medical reason listed on the vaccine’s product monograph. (See here).
- Closures and Restrictions: Nunavut extended the territory’s public health emergency until 17 March 2022, but public health measures have been eased, while masks remain mandatory in all communities. As of 21 February 2022, public health restrictions have been eased (But Iglooik has different measures to the other territories):
- Outdoor gatherings: Max. 50 people.
- Indoor public gatherings: 10 people plus household in dwellings/505 people or 50% capacity in buildings.
- Indoor places of leisure (including gyms and fitness centres) are limited to 25 people or 50% of capacity, with restaurants and licensed establishments 25 people or 25% capacity (with no singing or dancing permitted)
- Long-term care and elders’ facilities may have two visitors per resident, masks mandated.
- Economic: The government of Nunavut has offered a series of economic packages, including $4 million in support for municipalities, a $4.5 million food support program to bolster Covid-19 isolation support, a Small Business Support Program will be offering additional funding for small businesses, up to $5,000, to help out where affected adversely by the impacts of Covid-19, 13 January 2022. An additional $375,000 was provided for community radios to ensure their further operation, 18 January 2022. On 26 January 2022, the Government of Nunavut allocated $3.25 million for community initiatives, where the Minister of Family Services announced these community-based solutions will aim to reduce poverty and food insecurity.
Before Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut had recorded any cases, the Inuit Circumpolar Council had warned that indigenous communities across the North are particularly vulnerable to the effects of the virus, given many do not have running water or sewage systems. In a statement, the ICC said that, “Despite being the original inhabitants of some of the most affluent countries in the world, gaps in basic infrastructure continue to contribute to severe health risks.”[ii] Closing this ‘infrastructure gap’ was an area of discussion at a meeting of the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee on 6 March, attended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (who himself has since entered self-isolation following the positive diagnosis of his wife) and President Natan Obed.[iii] It remains to be seen whether these circumstances will encourage such discussions to transform into action.
For further information, click here and here.
Joe Godbold is a Global Leadership Fellow at Polar Research and Policy Initiative. He is part of the PRPI team behind the UK-Arctic Coronavirus Observatory, and serves as the lead for Canada and Antarctica.